Meditation 101 Series

This meditation series is the perfect compliment to the energy healing sessions you will have with Stacey at FreshStart! The practices that you learn in this series will continue to support you in powerfully navigating life.

No experience necessary and all of our practices are practical, profoundly impactful, and specifically designed to be practiced anywhere, ~ anytime ~ in the heat of the moment. (And don’t worry, we won’t ask you to try to “clear your mind” to participate!)

In this class you will learn to tap into the Infinite Wisdom of the body with our unique Body Centered Meditation (BCM) Practice

Some proven results are:

  • Lower stress and anxiety - The #1 cause of illness!

  • Increased Emotional Resilience - Be more responsive vs. reactive in

    uncertain times and difficult situations.

  • Increased Relaxation - Leads to better sleep and better sex too!

  • Increase Confidence and Creativity - Live your very best, fully-expressed life!

  • Up your “joy meter” - Meditation makes us feeeeel good!

All practices are designed to be done in real life - anywhere ~ anytime!

Each Class Is:

  • Recorded – If you can’t attend a class

  • 1 hour, 1 day a week for 5 weeks

  • 5-10 minute Meditation Lesson

  • 20- 25 minute Guided Meditation Practice

  • Weekly Mini-Resets to practice during the week – “off the cushion” where life is happening.

  • Live Q & A with Laurie to share questions, ah-ha’s, concerns.


The series is 5-weeks

Next Series starts week of April 15th. Day and time TBD

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